Compassion centers are places for patients who have qualifying conditions to obtain medical marijuana as allowed by Rhode Island law. The Medical Marijuana Program within the Department of Business Regulations (DBR) oversees them. Rhode Island’s Medical Marijuana Act does not alter federal statutes and regulations prohibiting the possession and use of marijuana.
The Rhode Island Department of Health Medical Marijuana Program implements the provisions of the Medical Marijuana Act and regulations for registered patients, caregivers and authorized purchasers. The Medical Marijuana Program accepts, reviews, and approves patient, caregiver and authorized purchaser applications and renewals. The Department of Business Regulation is responsible for licensing and regulatory oversight of compassion centers, cultivators, and cooperative cultivations and oversight of medical marijuana plant tagging requirements for Rhode Island medical cannabis.
Rhode Island Medical Cannabis Sale Restrictions
Patients in the Rhode Island medical cannabis program may purchase up to 2.5 ounces of flower in a 15 day period. Similarly, an individual may possess this amount of cannabis on their person without repercussions. On the contrary, adults over 21 years of age may possess up to 10 ounces of cannabis in their primary residence. These limitations are outlined in our Rhode Island Dispensary Standard Operating Procedures.